Let's work together to help landowners recover.

Mast is connecting a network of professional foresters in the Western US to assist private landowners reforesting after wildfires.
We conduct reforestation projects with our forester partners at low cost for your landowner clients, funded through the sale of carbon removal credits.
Forester Partners source new projects, and help to develop and execute reforestation on behalf of landowners.

Here's how it works:
Rapid Reforestation
When you choose to partner with Mast, you can get reforestation projects up and running within months after a wildfire.
Project Commission
We share project success. You will receive a percentage of the total carbon removal credit revenue for the project when the credits are sold, generally occurring in as little as one year post-planting.Project Financing
Mast provides cohesive, up-front project financing at no cost to your landowner clients.
Access to Tools and Data
We share our technology - advanced mapping, high-resolution post-burn satellite imagery, seedling replanting prescription technology and seed lot selection tools.
Priority Access to Seeds & Seedlings
Our seed bank holds a robust inventory from a wide selection of species and provenances. At our nurseries, we give grow space priority to our Forester Partners. You will have first access to our FirePlugTM inventory, our new seedling stock type optimized for post-fire reforestation.A Dedicated Partner
We work together to source crews, contractors, quotes and negotiations for each stage of the project.
Become a Forester Partner
Forester Partnerships
See us in action
In 2021, the Harris Mountain fire burned the majority of the 5,200-acre Sheep Creek Ranch in Cascade County, Montana. Determined to see his property restored, owner Don hired Zack Bashoor, a local forester to explore reforestation.

The team didn’t have many options, the cost of this project would be staggering, and the crews needed to plant the seedlings would be difficult to find. Their nursery partner had no space to grow the seedlings, and even if they did, no one had tree seed for their specific seed zone.
Mast provided all the necessary resources to make reforestation possible - from seed to site prep to financing.
Reforestation Project Challenges
High Upfront Costs
No Grow Space
Workforce Sourcing
Lack of Seed

Zack Bashoor and Mast Reforestation worked closely to bring this project to fruition. They coordinated collection crews and collected seed from areas east of the Divide for this project and other landowners.
Mast utilized its nurseries, Cal Forest (Etna, CA) and Silvaseed (Roy, WA), to provide sufficient grow space for almost a million seedlings for this project. The sale of carbon removal credits generated by the project will completely cover the reforestation costs, and provide a cash return to the project partners.